
Task Accomplished?

            Having a hard time in prioritizing things, and on how to organize and execute each of them? This is a common problem of every people living day by day. To be specific, college students hailed on this dilemma. The inability to prioritize things, and lack of discipline to execute tasks are the common reasons in achieving failures when it comes to accomplishing tasks. What may be a possible solution to prevent this problem among students? The prevention is to manage time or simply Time Management, wherein planning over specific activities and tasks will be monitor.

            Managing time will help you prioritize things that are important but non-urgent. Nowadays, people only look for the urgency of things but not on its importance. That’s the reason why the result of a task becomes a failure or worse. This situation also keeps people in a hurry and pressure. Setting up goals through planning, allocating and monitoring time due to specific area of activities will increase the efficiency and productivity of every task. There are methods to comply for achieving a well-balanced lifestyle. It will start on each of us, as an individual who takes daily activities by simply implementing the time management on oneself.

            How will a student adapt the management of time? Actually, it will be easy for students accomplishing task one at a time, by putting important and non-urgent matters, first.             

            One way of being a successful person is to learn how to manage time effectively. It will reduce the risk of failing (especially for students). Time Management is a necessity and seeks to be exercised by each individual in order to attain a stress-free environment. The skills and techniques will be develop and improve while controlling and staying in the management of time. The range of activities will definitely benefit oneself.

            After graduation, I am planning to seek for a job that will be totally fits on my skills, in order to provide my family, their necessities. And in return, to the people who helped me to achieve a high quality education, to Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon, I will help other people especially the poor ones.